Monday, September 14, 2009

Sunday Music

I absolutely love music. It's been a really big part of my life since I was little. I took piano lessons and eventually learned to sort of play the organ, as well. I sang in choir in high school and still continue to sing for fun. Music surrounds me. But I especially love music on Sundays.

On Sundays, after church, I always just turn on my computer and listen to church songs for the rest of the day. I have an entire playlist full of EFY songs, MoTab, BYU Choirs, and others singing hymns and other inspiring and uplifting music. I think I started doing this once I came to college because I was so used to listening to church music on Sundays while I was growing up. My mom would always put in tapes like Scripture Scouts when I was little and started playing EFY songs and MoTab as I grew older. I just took it for granted. But as I sat and listened to it yesterday while I was doing some other things, I realized how much it really affects me. While I often listen to certain songs on other days of the week that get me excited and worked up, I feel so peaceful after listening to "Sunday music." I love how the Spirit can so easily enter my life when I am listening to and singing songs about the Savior and the gospel. It calms me and strengthens my testimony. It's quite the wonderful use of media, in my opinion.


  1. Sunday music IS the best!!! It makes any day wonderful, especially Sundays. It can change my mood around so quickly :)

  2. I agree. Music is one of my favorite parts of church!
