Monday, March 29, 2010


I'm currently in a family history class in my ward that meets during the Sunday School hour. It's been so cool for me to be able to use technology and the media to learn more about my ancestors, as well as help others to find their ancestors. One of my favorite things I've learned from that class is indexing. It's basically where you see a scanned document (like a census record) and you type in what it says, so that people can more easily find their ancestors. It's pretty easy to do (as long as the handwriting is legible) and rather addicting. But I suppose that if I had to get addicted to something, this is probably a good choice. :P


  1. Indexing is way awesome. However, I always have the hardest time making myself sit down and do it. When I actually do, I love it. But...I've kind of been slacking lately.

  2. Good for you. You should teach me how to do it!

  3. I wish I was addicted since it's a good thing to do. Our married-student stake had a goal of doing one-million names in a year. I learned how to do it because of that and contributed some, but have since not been very diligent about doing it. Our stake though did just over one million names that year (2008-09). It was some ridiculous percentage of all the names indexed that year.
