Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Normal people in commercials

After the discussion we had in class last week about all the beautiful people on TV, it made me think more about maybe how we only WANT to see beautiful people on TV. We see enough normal people in regular life, right? So the thing that stood out to me was one guy that is especially normal looking (see seconds 24-26), and that's the main thing I remember for the commercial. I'm actually almost turned off from this commercial because of it. Is that bad of me for being so conditioned that I want to see only beautiful people on TV?


  1. whoaaa did you check out his teeth?!

  2. I only like to watch pretty people...it's terrible but the center on the U's basketball team last year was REALLY unattractive and it seriously bothered me to watch those games. I am pretty much a terrible person.

  3. Laura, I remember him! I felt the same way! Ahh what is media doing to us?!
