Monday, May 31, 2010

Virtual Choir

I love music. I love going to concerts and am almost always listening to music on my computer while on the web or doing homework. I can't really picture my life without using Windows Media Player/iTunes, Pandora, and YouTube. But one thing that really amazes me is how technology has made music even cooler. In this post, I talked briefly about some awesome mash-ups I love. This sort of music wouldn't have been possible that long ago. And I just heard about another use of technology to create music that also wouldn't have been possible until recently.

From what I understand, people sang a certain song and then posted themselves singing it on YouTube. Then, all of these videos were put together and made into one song. Suddenly, you have a virtual choir with people from all over the world. Awesome! Technology is amazing!

1 comment:

  1. WOW. I really can't say more than that. I want to be in a virtual choir - oh that is beautiful!
