Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Time to Read!

I love reading, but I don't do it as often as I should while I'm in school because I feel guilty if I'm reading anything besides textbooks. Well, that and the fact that I'd never get anything school-related done because I'd be reading instead.

But I am changing that now that I'm just hanging out and working for the summer. I checked out a bunch of books from the Provo library and have been ripping through them. I'm excited to read a bunch of fun young adult novels, as well as some classics I've been meaning to read for a while. Plus, as even more of an incentive, the Provo library is offering a summer reading program for adults, complete with prizes. Score!


  1. Really?? I love prizes, I wonder if the Orem library would be doing that too... Go Get 'um girl!!

  2. A summer reading program with prizes for adults? Dang, too bad I don't live in Provo.
