Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thin-ideal media...and parenting

I haven't blogged in forever since I'm not in the media class or TAing for it anymore, which kind of makes me sad. So I think I may still post something occasionally so that can remember things I've found that I think are cool. I mean, I am still bombarded by media daily. I should still be an active consumer. :-)

I stumbled across this blog post a week ago, when it was linked from the Operation Beautiful website. I subscribe to the Operation Beautiful blog just because seeing those notes each day makes me smile. I loved this post because we had talked some in class about how hard it is being surrounded by thin-ideal media and how we could handle it as parents. During that discussion, I really had no idea how I would handle it as a mother when my girls feel like they are fat and ugly. This post really has some good suggestions, though. I may just have to use them one day...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks. Definitely going to go find that book - and hope I can instill in my girls what I didn't have as a teen (and still struggle with today).
