Saturday, June 12, 2010

Article by Orson Scott Card

I know we're pretty much done posting blogs, but I was on Faceboook today and one of my friends posted a link to an article Orson Scott Card wrote for Mormon Times. It was too beautiful to not share. I'm grateful she posted it because I never would have found it on my own. I also thought that by posting it here, I can look back on it later and not lose it. This article really makes me feel better about my life, in a way. I move so much (I've moved 6 times since I've been at college, and I moved plenty with my family before that) and this reminded me that it's okay to let people drift in and out of our lives. It's not reason to feel guilty. It's actually a cause for celebration. I've made so many amazing friends throughout my life and even though I don't keep in touch with all of them, they have helped to make me who I am today.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the article as much as I did.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Thanks, Steve Jobs!

My aunt posted this link on Facebook. I'm not really an Apple user, but I really appreciate what Apple is doing. I think more companies should follow suit, especially knowing what we know about how pornography affects people.

Freedom from Porn

Friday, June 4, 2010

Media at the Gym

So, for those of you who didn't hear me complaining in class last week about how sore I was (sorry about that, by the way...I got better!), I joined a gym last week. I've never been one for a traditional gym experience. I swam all during high school, but I've never been super into cardio machines or weights. However, I know that I need to work out, so I joined a gym. It's not my favorite thing, but one thing that really helps me during my workouts is having music.

I think I'm one of the last people who doesn't own any sort of iPod. However, my phone is able to store music on it (super grateful for that). It also has this really cool feature called "SensMe" where it plots all the songs on a graph of fast to slow and happy to sad. You can then use that to create a playlist of upbeat or slower songs as you feel like it. It's not always super accurate, but it's been good to have. I find myself working out longer than I planned on if I am listening to upbeat music. The music is able to distract me from any pain I may be feeling and keep my energy levels up. It's also fun to watch the TVs that are set up in front of the cardio machines. I may not know what's going on, since I don't plug in to listen, but it's fun imagining what may be happening. Thank you media, for making my workouts (at least slightly) more enjoyable.